
The acquisition of basic knowledge of cartography, its development and methods of producing maps, cartographic visualization and generalization with an emphasis on achieving the ability to distinguish objects viewed at different cartographic representations and the application of the elements of cartography in order to develop simple maps and map related representations. Understand the role of geodesy, geoinformatics and spatial data in modern world, demonstrate competences in measuring systems, methods and technologies of measurement and spatial data collection. Demonstrate competences in theoretical principles, procedures of computing and visualising the surveying data. Make plans, maps and related presentations using modern methods and technologies on the basis of measured data and other sources. Determine and interpret the size, properties and relations of objects in space on the basis of measured data, spatial databases, plans and maps. Exercise appropriate judgements on the basis of performed calculation processing and interpretation of data obtained by means of surveying and its results. Prepare official public documents, reports, graphic and cartographic presentations using the surveying results related to objects in space Explain cartography and its tasks, the development of cartography and cartography division, - Allocate objects display and object names (toponyms) on different representations, - Compare the types of cartographic distinction between their properties, elements, scale, size, etc., - Set aside the originals for development of cartographic representations, - Explain the map graphics and use elements of cartography, - Explain the cartographic generalization, factors and basic procedures of cartographic generalization, - Create a cartographic representation of the implementation of all procedures necessary for its development, - Create a set of data (metadata) required for use of cartographic representation, - Recommend the use of methods and ways of maintaining cartographic representations, - Compare the modern official and unofficial map products in the Republic of Croatia.

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